Artist Charlotte Johnson Wahl is celebrated in this blockbuster retrospective.

Johnson Wahl’s paintings have long been collected and cherished by the cognoscenti, and are finally, for this one week, available for a wider audience to enjoy. Big, bold canvases you’ll never forget: crazy cityscapes, poignant portraits and raw, beautiful social scenes that erupt from the canvas.

Johnson Wahl is an original talent. Her famous children – Mayor Boris Johnson, writer Rachel Johnson, environmentalist Leo Johnson, MP Jo Johnson – may nowadays outdo Charlotte in column inches, but Charlotte is the true, first and foremost talent of the Johnson family.

Having always eschewed any art “scene”, any definition, Charlotte Johnson Wahl and her paintings stand alone. Her work is startling in its wit, honesty and artistic merit. A Johnson Wahl canvas is impossible to ignore – the colours are bold, the compositions are strong, the themes are intensely, movingly human.

There’s pain: divorce, death, mental breakdown and Parkinson’s disease.
There’s joy: love, lust, verdant nature and buoyant nudity...

Here is an extraordinary artist. For the good of your soul come to this once in a lifetime retrospective – curated after years of negotiation with private estates and collectors.

And don’t be put off by the celebrity connection! Especially when Johnson Wahl has never herself tolerated it: for over seventy years she’s been nothing but her own, driven, prolifically-gifted self.