Boma National Park is located in the country that is now called the Republic of South Sudan; the landscape in this part of the country is amazing. Sparse forests, curving river bends, and thick green forests surround the entire area.

And there are animals! In fact, the Wildlife Conservation Society is closely working with the new South Sudan government to protect the animals and to change this area into a tourist destination. This could highly impact the economy of South Sudan, as tourism will provide jobs and will bring a much-needed income to the country.

At the present time oil accounts for almost the entire revenue of South Sudan. But oil is a limited resource, eventually it will deplete; but tourism will be there. The government is currently looking for operators and investors for world class parks to high-end tourism; the plan is to have a fly-in safari to luxury tented camps. The goal is to bring in as much tourism as possible within the year.

During the years of war, the North Sudan hunted down elephants and rhinos; after killing them they sold their horns and teeth to international markets. Sudan’s wildlife barely held on.

The adjacent Boma-Bandigilo-Jonglei plains are one of the biggest pieces of untouched Africa; the seasonal antelope migration counts 750,000 white-eared kob, 30,000 mongalla gazelle, and 60,000 reedbuck. Animal watchers and passionately fond of safaris can go to Boma National Park all year-round and observe these beautiful animals running free in their natural environment.

Anti-poaching operations coordinated by the government and supported by the Wildlife Conservation Society, have arrested illegal hunters, confiscating weapons and bushmeat. With multi-million dollar funding from USAID, the government and the Wildlife Conservation Society are working to keep the migratory corridors safe for the animals across the plains.

Fighting poaching and educating the local people about conservation are top priorities for the Republic of South Sudan, a country who is placing all its efforts into safeguarding the animals and into bringing the country’s economy up through tourism. This country has great potentials to grow its wealth, and its perseverance will help to make tourism one of its main resources.