John Park has become one of Los Angeles' most recognized contemporary artists. Classically trained, he used these fundamentals as a starting point - and then exploded convention to develop a rigorously stylized urban aesthetic that is rich in meaning and technical skill. His intricate layering of forms and text create a unique, abstract structure - however, each piece is a methodical evolution of complex forms and ideas.

Park received his training at the Rhode Island School of Design. He soon felt constrained by the traditional and regimented style of classical realism that he was pushed to achieve in art school. Then in 2008, Park began to "live paint" at various venues across Los Angeles, including many of C.A.V.E. Gallery's opening receptions. The live settings allowed him to invite spontaneity into his work - and from this energy, his unique style was sparked.

Park's distinct technique of layering marker, charcoal, and acrylic continues to evolve. He employs a focused approach - first creating intricate base layers of text and architectural motifs for each piece, and then incorporating stylized figures in motion emerging from their environments - giving each piece a unique voice.

The subjects in this new collection of work by Park reflect the archetypal stages of The Hero's Journey as outlined in Joseph Campbell's famous book of world mythology, "The Hero With a Thousand Faces". The series is an exploration of the trials of today's world, including the pressure of increasing urbanization and alienation in the midst of constant surveillance. The subjects are presented with a "call to adventure" where they must face challenges. If they respond bravely and wisely to these tasks, they emerge a Hero with the insightful knowledge and consciousness to influence positive change in the world.