The world Henry Kondracki visualizes in his paintings is large and monumental, not only for his choice of subject, but for his ability to observe in the smallest or biggest canvas, drawing, gouache or watercolour, a fascination with humans, animals, buildings and landscape. His observations are often humorous, clever, tender, and always interesting.

Every medium Kondracki uses, and he uses them all, with a brilliant and sure technique, results in dazzling work. The people, children and adults alike, are nearly always very busy, going about their daily lives, rushing home under umbrellas in the rain, or through the park in Edinburgh, the artist’s home city, in the snow. They go to the races, standing with their backs to you, excitedly watching the horses and their determined jockeys rush past. Children go to the park and feed the ducks, or stand in awe on long empty beaches looking at the blue sea.

In this exhibition, “Three Cities”, the Artist has excelled, painting panoramas of New York, London and Edinburgh, with extraordinary detail and atmosphere.