Gimpel Fils’ accrochage is a selection which references the seasons and in particular, the coming of Spring this month. Two photographs by Corinne Day show her friend Rose naked in a pastoral setting; Hannah Maybank has a fine watercolour of roses, using malachite and slate green as the medium, from a series that Maybank painted using different chemicals as well as more traditional colouring materials.

The seasonal theme continues with other references, this time to Autumn, in Peter Lanyon; and to Winter, in Michelle Dovey’s tree studies. The recently deceased Albert Irvin is represented by a fine painting with Spring pastel shades, while an exceptionally sized Scottie Wilson directly addresses Spring in its title. Finally, Barbara Hepworth’s Vertical Form, heralds the unfurling of a leaf bud or flower.

‘April is the cruelest month’, T S Eliot’s eponymous line, might be appropriate to the exhibition and for a month in which elements of hot and cold, wet and dry, alternate with delightful uncertainty.