Leo Gallery Hong Kong is delighted to present Tan Ping’s solo exhibition The Certainty of Uncertainty at SOHO 189 Art Lane.

This exhibition is curated by Chinese renowned independent curator Huang Du, exhibiting three works by Tan Ping, a Chinese pioneer of abstract art. His works will be unveiled for the first time in Asia at Leo Gallery Hong Kong after the exhibition in Switzerland. In December 2016, Tan Ping was invited by Simon Maurer, the director of Museum Helmhaus Zürich in Switzerland, to perform live painting. He presents an uncertain normality for his creation process. An uncertain question raises upon how a work being embed into a new space, and passing from the canvas surface to the wall. At the end, Tan Ping finds a certain space-related visual presentation during the uncertain process.

In March 2017, at Leo Gallery Hong Kong, Tan Ping goes against the logic of multiple perspectives in traditional painting and presents an exhibition space with a mixture of abstract elements and live action.