Casa Triângulo has the pleasure to presente “Domestic Geology”, sixth solo exhibition by artist Marcia Xavier at the gallery. Having as a central theme her parents’ wedding album, Marcia presents investigations on origins, time, transformation and the evolution of life. With a presentation text signed by writer and artist Nuno Ramos, the show is divided in three photographic series, one of them being the large installation “Santa [Saint]”.

An accident caused by water on the black and white photos which document the origins and memory of her family made them rot. The photographic grains gave life to fungus and bacteria, transforming the ceremony and the memory of her parents’ wedding in an image of chaos and destruction.

In the series “Geologia Doméstica [Domestic Geology]”, which entitles the exhibition, seven images were rephotographed with rocks: Agate, Pyrite, Magnesite, Marble, Ganges Stone and No Stone. The photo in perspective of the ceremony is taken by a molded stain, a fungic invasion, involuntary, created by humidity. Over a second image, the artist places a stone and retakes its picture from above, like an aerial view. The fungic humidity, the geologic solidity and the ideal wedding scene stitch a sort of “geology of morals” where the fungus, the stone and the album deal with the natural forces and the effects of evolution through time. These images exhibited o the walls of the gallery contrast with other three photograms (photos made of light, directly on the paper, without the use of a camera), created with the artist’s shadow interacting with veils and bottles. Disposed horizontally on the floor of the gallery, the photograms are presented in low height tables, knee-high, covered with glass.

The installation “Santa [Saint]”, created with two retro projectors, completes this research on her own origin and traces parallels with the cultural origins of the world, alluding to the famous painting “The Origin Of The World”, by Gustav Courbet. The installation begins with the image of a cave, reproduced in scale with the gallery space, inviting the viewer to enter a hallway. In the end of the hallway, a mirrored and overlapped image of Saint Agnese, captured at the Piazza Navona church, in Rome, invert details of the hands and costumes of the saint, forming an abstract image that reminds us of “The Origin Of The World”. And it ends where everything begins.