On one occasion a few years ago, I stated that, in the opposite direction from the prevailing and almost obligatory monochrome, Barbara Spanoudis had no "color modesty" in her works.

His paintings and objects exuded in harmonious colors. In this new exhibition, for the first time several works from the 1960s are presented, when the artist lived very closely with Constructivism, a present and reinforced tendency in Brazilian art since the 1950s. Some works, the first of its almost sixty years creation, have great solemnity and, thinking of their geometry and discreet coloring, I would dare to say that they are of a contemplative geometry, in contrast to the works of intense coloring.

The collages are in the midst of the vibrant colors and placidity of the "boxes" that, although they appear, at first, as white and neutral objects, keep, in complete harmony with the artist's taste, innumerable hidden colors, as surprises to revealed. In any case, Barbara remains faithful and coherent, always exercising - with technical mastery and evident sensitivity - the craft of color. Like a mission.