Milan celebrates Sarah Moon – recognized as both an artist and a photographer – with two simultaneous exhibitions at the Fondazione Sozzani and at the Armani/Silos.

The Fondazione Sozzani will host the exhibition "Sarah Moon, Time at Work" highlighting the artist's path from 1995 to 2018. Ninety photographs accompanied by an historical documentary film by Sarah Moon about the artist Lillian Bassman (“There’s Something About Lillian”, 2002) and her short “Contacts” (1995), will be exhibited in the Galleria Carla Sozzani. In parallel, Armani/Silos will host “From one season to another”. Counting over one hundred and seventy images – in color and black and white – the exhibition presents a cross section of Sarah Moon’s work mixing lesser known and unseen photographs with her evocative fashion images. Sarah Moon herself says of this exhibition: "Time at Work.

This is the story of time passing;; how time erases. Here and now, this story I tell is not totally mine, but the story of these photographs before they disappear. It is time at work. By chance I found these positives of Polaroids I didn’t fix, some were unexpected, others just spoiled, many erased little by little. I have gathered them here today, with some recent works".