A memento is a keepsake of something you want to remember.

How do memories become part of an artwork? Which mem- ories inspire artists to create? Memento explores these ques- tions, exhibiting works in which memories were a meaningful part of the creative process. Artworks themselves are memen- tos, an object kept as a souvenir from the artist’s memory.

We all have some — sometimes they are strange, sometimes they are blurry, they can be delightful or haunting, they can be a sen- sation or an idea. Beyond the simple story of life and anecdotes, formulating memories - making a memory a form - is to answer the metaphysical question of memory and its mechanism.

It is also to exalt the feeling of reminiscence in which everyone sees, through the transcendence of images, the possibility of a kind of resurrection. This group exhibition examine how artists trans- form the memento into a work of art.