These days so shortly before the end of the year we find it all over all - jamboree magic. Just as the Christmas markets captivate us with their special atmosphere and light, in GAMA's pictures we also succumb to the call of his hybrid creatures and dream figures. They lure us into their world and enmesh us with their secrets without ever really giving them away.

GAMA's fascination for special German terms may be explained by his Mongolian origins. He does not take them for granted.By using them as titles for his paintings, he tries to find out more about them. As in the case of "Budenzauber" (literally translates to "booth magic"), this does not necessarily have to be conclusive. On the contrary, GAMA takes pleasure in reinterpreting such wonderful pictorial, almost nostalgic terms as "Budenzauber". In a mocking way he describes something ephemeral, something that pretends to shine, but is not permanent. Gold, blue, yellow, pink - stag. Such a being seems at first to be fleeting like a dream, like a hallucination that grazes you and then blows by.

Finally, the fairy tale-like dream worlds and the magically mystical dwarf house interiors, into which the artist invites us, prove to be of astonishing permanence. His poetic narrations nest themselves in our subconscious like a visual catchy tune. In a tradition deeply connected with Germany in technical terms, he also revives the woodcut on a formal level as a medium in a magically timeless, real and surreal language of form. In his pictures we encounter atomically glowing giant mushrooms, colourful mythical creatures observing us, which always seem curious, never frightening. We move quietly through the world of mythical creatures that have fallen asleep. Everything seems to be bathed in colour. A tingling sensation captures us, like the unauthorized look during the night before Christmas Eve into the festively decorated Christmas room.