Soliloquium is a project produced from an artistic approach and accompanied by philosophical, scientific and psychoanalytical thought. Its purpose is to compare the theoretical assumptions established around the notions of model, subject and ethics both in artistic production and in the discourses of the aforementioned disciplines.

The work explores the impact on current artistic and scientific thought of two seminal texts in scientific literature written at the end of the 19th century, Texture of the Nervous System of Man and the Vertebrates by Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1899), and the Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895) by Sigmund Freud, writings that set the conditions for the modification of contemporary thought and established the basis for a new discursivity.

Soliloquium proposes a unified presentation of the resulting product (work of art and theoretical production), creating a place in which the visible, regardless of its cause, arises from the intersection of glances. This operation, the gaze as intersection, is the theoretical and methodological object, as well as the dominant feature in Miguel Ángel Rego's work, combined here with the notion of transparency. Thus, the exhibition space is determined by the artistic text (by the artist) and psychoanalyst Montserrat Rodríguez's theoretical approaches intertwined with Rego's reflections, in dialogue.

In this context, the artist presents a series of productions influenced by the theoretical assumptions developed by Thomas Metzinger in Being No One: The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity (2003). For her part, Rodríguez will address the updates of the Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895) [1950], a prepsychoanalytic text in which Freud attempts to formulate the cause and consistency of the unconscious in a psychical apparatus located in the organism (the brain).

The aim of the project is to survey the notions of model, of “representability” of the subject and the foundations of ethics supported by neuroscientific cognitivism and psychoanalysis.