An explorer spirit. A trace in time. Cristina Babiloni’s artworks are a journey beyond the sea and the horizon. A gear of textures that you can feel with each stroke. Take air and impulse and discover a world with slow pace, without gravity. Her work is savored without limits or borders. A planet of color formed by islands that connect with a restless and traveling soul. A work that pierces the soul, like someone who crosses the sea on a winter morning looking for a dream to discover.

“From a Spanish father and a French mother, I grew up in a family where the French culture was very present. My passion for drawing and painting begins as long as I can remember, it was the way of expressing my emotions and enjoying my inner world. As I grew, the drawing was a constant in my life and became the medium where I felt most secure. My reference par excellence is William Turner “the painter of light”. I love the atmospheric space and the light effects that evoke his landscapes when he represents the sea. The objective is the fusion of painting and chromotherapy as this influences people to restore emotional balance among others. In the last three years my painting has evolved, and I have been creating my own style, characterized by the loads, the volumes and the blue-green tones. ”