UNA and CAR DRDE are pleased to present DEEP VISION, solo show by Elia Cantori and second appointment of the annual exhibition program at Spazio Leonardo, the new container by Leonardo Assicurazioni - Generali Milano Liberazione.

With a view to openness and collaboration between galleries and initiatives operating in the field of contemporary art, UNA invites CAR DRDE from Bologna to conceive a shared project for the Spazio Leonardo gallery. Thus DEEP VISION was born, an exhibition that includes a series of new works by Elia Cantori, devoted to questioning our perception of things, through a sort of visual puzzle. “Elia Cantori's research is often a visual challenge for the viewer. In front of his works, the eye of the beholder is questioned, invited to observe more carefully, stimulated to ask questions about the process that generated the work.

The trajectory of a firearm, or an explosion, resemble gestural pictorial moves; or a handful of meteorite dust spread on photosensitive paper becomes a celestial constellation. It is never a question of a perceptive test, or of a playful intent as an end in itself: rather, of a superposition of possible readings that look at the world of science, technology, and experimentation in the broad sense. Cantori's practice (which includes sculpture, installation, video, and photography in different modulations) frames scientific worlds such as that of celestial phenomena, the effects of light, kinetics, in a perfectly balanced aesthetics. The idea of the cast, of the imprint, present in the three works on display fits into this context: a challenge to the perception of the viewer but, at the same time, an accurate investigation of the matter and the form in experimental and poetic terms at the same time.”