Fluxus-inspired visual artist and poet Leon Van Essche (1919-1993), was a pioneer of Belgian concrete and visual poetry. In 1962, he co-founded the alternative and neo-experimental literary magazine Labris (1962-1973), which contained jazz-inspired poetry, and which was best known for its hermetic interpretation of poetry.

The most enigmatic are the almost unreadable visual poems by Van Essche, which often take the form of line-and-point drawings, and abstract-geometric and psychedelic compositions. He later developed a more 'informal' plastic oeuvre. The plastic-poetic practice of Van Essche draws on various esoteric and occult traditions; as such, it is hard to fathom and remains shrouded in mystery.

In addition to presenting a synthesizing overview, this archive presentation seeks to gain insight into the mysterious pictorial experiments of this enigmatic figure.