From the very start, the foremost motifs in Werner Otte’s work were nature and landscape. Very different sceneries moved him emotionally and provided impetus for his creativity, whether the far-stretched expanses of Finland or the marshy environment of his studio in Salzburg-Leopoldskron, all the way to the coasts of Croatia. They gave him a feeling of tranquillity, which he scarcely knew otherwise.

Otte was a restless character and always busy as a mentor and companion of other artists. This often pushed his own work into the background. Otte was often fatigued to the point of complete exhaustion.

Nature remained an inspirational, creative source throughout his life. It was the source for his figurative and abstract landscapes. Werner Otte found his personal “home” in these poetic and intimate topographies. In these works he enters into an encounter with the observers of his art that is very direct and of great candour.