Ostreum talking to the water

Ostreum: If... If she looks at me, when she looks at me, she will, look at me, and I will ... She looks at me and I will. Or if she looks at me I ...

Tuffa Tore was in search of perfect comfort. Not that he really wanted it, but there was little else that seemed to touch his antennae. Tap-dancing around on rocks was fun, but mildly dangerous. “Sharks might come and take you away.” The bubble clicking tone of his parents still echoed in his shell and tail. Tuffa Tore had been searching for his own water for quite some time now. Swimming further away from his parents and their echoes. Those flippers just didn’t seem to fit him anymore. The Athletic Sea wasn’t an option. He had heard about the dark ruins in the North. Climate getting worse every day. His gills started to itch just thinking about it. Sweetwater didn’t tempt him either. He could barely breathe there. After listening to humming fishes for too long a time, he decided to try the Middle Sea. “Try to get a good spot in a not too dirty lagoon.... Just learn how to deal with the crabs and clams. “

Cruising through the invisible crowd, he started to feel much better. There in a beige cloud of button-dust he could see the Lobster Train determinedly moving out into the foggy seascape. Tuffa Tore jumped and twitched to follow, over the cliff, away from the riddle of the reef. Away from the seafrogs’ pranks and heavy laughter. Hello destination I know now.

A dark and moving mountain grew on the horizon.