Ezio Benedetti
Joined Meer in April 2019
Ezio Benedetti

Ezio Benedetti is an Italian national born in Bergamo on 24 November 1971. He completed his high school studies at classical gymnasium “Liceo Classico Paolo Sarpi” in Bergamo in 1990. After a one-year period spent in Ireland to refine his language skills (where he worked as a teacher in Italian language) he went back to Italy to complete his academic studies.

In 1998 he graduated in International and Diplomatic Sciences (4 yrs degree in International Relations) at the University of Trieste and then he specialized in International Public Law, Huma Rights and EU Law competing two M2 masters in International Diplomatic Law and International Human Rights Law. He completed his phd in International Order and Human Rights at the University of Rome La Sapienza.

In 2018 he obtained the Italian national scientific qualification as Associate Professor in academic scientific sector IUS/14 (EU Law). He published more than 30 scientific articles and 2 books. He currently lives in Gorizia (Italy).

He has more than 20 years of experience at an academic level as researcher, lecturer and assistant professor in the field of EU Law, International Public Law, International Organizations and Human Rights. He has almost 20 years of professional experience as consultant, team leader and project manager at various levels in international cooperation and development projects in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans and he has a sound knowledge of higher education systems, human rights issues with a particular focus on minorities’ protection and public administration reform.

Since 2013 he is engaged in different EU funded projects in public administration reforms and higher education sectors in the Western Balkans.

Articles by Ezio Benedetti

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