In the Middle East, there is a lack of communication among nations and peoples leading often to crises and disasters, forcing the rest of the world to worry.

The Middle East has been characterized as a continuous conflict region. Experience has shown, the involvement of criminal or radical groups in regional unrest while the rise of terrorist groups has caused widespread conflict. For these reasons advanced warning strategies and mechanisms, have been developed with a view to security. But are these mechanisms capable of protecting Europe and its people is the big question.

Thus, Europe was forced to look more closely at recent developments in the Middle East. Tried to understand the situation first before clarifying what should be done. European efforts so far based on a win-win approach are designed to address their concerns, saying Europe will continue to help regional countries find solutions to neighbouring problems.

What Europe sees today is the emergence of a crisis resulting from policies and relations imposed on the Middle East like the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916. There are consequences on the stability of the region for the simple reason that they tried to resolve through artificial processes rather than using existing systems of governments.

It is noted that populist countries have managed to manipulate a strategic minority in their states the problems increase Europe's concerns. Although it is recorded that some Islamic states in the Middle East suffer from a simplistic contradictory view on relations with the Western implications are starting to be visible abroad. Much has been done to find solutions for their problems, but often the crisis seems threatening and affects Europe.

Yes, a Middle Eastern crisis affecting Europe is always a possibility, as the incident in the previous shows. The environment in the Middle East is indeed complex and very often leads to disasters.

One thing is certain. Those involved in designing a disaster response need to address international and regional issues with historical, religious and other considerations in mind.

Europe realizes that it is a region caught between a complex geopolitical situation and growing terrorism threats. We have realized that the problems that exist there may, in one way or another, affect Europe and lead to further communication problems.

Of course, this is nothing new. Long-term conflicts have created an overwhelming and severe crisis environment, as demonstrated by the displacement of millions of people from there.

The flood of refugees fleeing violence in the context of the crisis in the Middle East brings European countries closer to a dangerous saturation point and triggers the emergence of a health threat. Escaping a deadly virus among continuous conflicts has been a major concern lately.

With that in mind, Europeans strive to develop a widespread, effective and realistic disaster management plan. Cooperation is central to these efforts, but who is ready to cooperate in the Middle East in disaster situations remains the question.

Much has been done to find a solution in a middle conflict environment and to protect Europe.

The persistent threat from the Middle East and the hostilities between its countries have forced European citizens to react, as we show in the preceding video. The non-cooperation framework was central to their search response.

With that in mind, we have to design our response efforts on of cooperation strategy. In addition, the higher the level of interaction among Middle Eastern states is a good sign for an effective joint response. The cooperation-based protocol takes into account and considers those involved in or affected by a disaster of concern or concern. ‘Is it possible for countries in the region to cooperate?'

Our duty is now to analyze the implications of the Court's decision through an example of State cooperation. Given the framework for the Court's security measures as described in the preceding video, it is time to proceed with the Middle East environment. One of the major challenges in the region is the triangle of Syria, Lebanon and Israel. A region in a continuing crisis with increased vulnerability and isolation of the affected populations. A region plagued by political instability, and armed conflict.

It is time to examine the level of cooperation in the region taking into account emergency medical relief, protection, food and nutrition aid, water and many others. It is time to examine their relationship taking into account the provision of appropriate sanitation processes, as well as hygiene, shelter, health and logistics services.

In the following video, we can see the possible results as applied in the triangle Lebanon Israel Syria.