Sexual inuendo intended butt not limited to. Its not just limited to sticking xxx things in dwn xxx there, its also abt up here where we are sticking !!! Things inside ourselves and others 24/7. R willing and enormous capacity to deliver and receive. Eyes, ears, nose and mouth are open, feeding and being fed. We r intimate with what we encounter and spew. What we put r attention on goes deep. Perceiving is eating. Let the right ones in.

This June's I want that inside of me grew out of last June's I am not monogamous i heart poetry. Selection was made from differing perspectives, yet I consistently worked against title and chose suggestive over obvious, abstract over representational, quieter over noisy, multiplicity over simplistic, absorbing over pushy. And it had to be paper, it's more immediate, has less baggage, and is easier to eat than a painting, sculpture or a video. 15 artists, 1 work each, 7 guests, 8 feature regulars.

Feature opened on April Fool’s Day 1984, in a second floor space at 340 West Huron St., Chicago. In August 1988, the gallery moved to NYC and opened in October at 484 Broome St. Soon after the move, the 340 W. Huron building burned to the ground; Feature escaped just in time. Feature relocated to 76 Greene St. in September 1993, and became Feature Inc. in January 1994. The move to 530 W. 25 St. occurred in October 1999. At all the aforementioned locations, Feature contained two or more exhibition spaces, so that several exhibitions could be presented simultaneously. Feature Inc. reincarnated in September 2008 at 276 Bowery, delighted to be back downtown, however two days after opening the crash happened and life there was short lived.

Mid-December 2009, Feature reopened in its sixth space at 131 Allen St., still on the lower east side. For the first time in all its lives, Feature has only one exhibition space. There is as well a wall painting program for the interior wall of the entrance to the building. Life goes on.

Feature Inc.
131 Allen Street
New York (NY) 10002 United States
Tel. +1 (212) 6757772

Opening hours
Wednesday - Sunday
From 12pm to 6pm