Friendship actually involves an unspoken bond between people. It is a bond that includes a connection and a deep understanding of each other’s emotional state. This connection is not necessarily to be communicated through words, rather they understand without even speaking. This is the relationship that people choose on their own. This connection is formed between people who share similar views, thoughts, and mindsets. Understanding level is the most important for a healthy relationship which is found in friendships. Friends who have an unspoken bond share similar values, experiences, and interests that create a strong connection between them. They tend to have an intuitive understanding of each other's needs and feelings, and are able to provide support and comfort without needing to explicitly communicate what is needed.

An unspoken bond can also be characterized by a sense of trust and loyalty between friends, where they feel comfortable being vulnerable and sharing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or betrayal. While words are an important part of any friendship, an unspoken bond can often develop over time through shared experiences and a deep understanding of each other. This bond can be an important source of strength and support in a friendship, helping to create a sense of closeness and connection that can withstand the ups and downs of life.

Friendship can be formed at any age. While people may be more likely to form friendships during childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood, there is no age limit to making new friends and building meaningful relationships. In fact, many people find that they make new friends later in life through work, community involvement, or other shared interests. These friendships can be especially valuable in providing social support, a sense of connection, and a source of joy and companionship. It is important to note, however, that forming new friendships can become more challenging as we age due to factors such as the loss of loved ones. Additionally, building close relationships often requires a willingness to be vulnerable, open, and patient with others, which can be difficult for some people. Despite the challenges, it is possible to form meaningful friendships at any age by putting oneself out there, pursuing shared interests, and being open to new experiences and connections. Ultimately, the ability to form and maintain friendships is an important part of leading a fulfilling and happy life at any age.

Loyalty and trust are two essential elements of a strong and healthy friendship. Loyalty refers to the sense of commitment and dedication that friends have to one another, while trust refers to the belief that friends can rely on each other and that their words and actions are honest and genuine. In a loyal friendship, friends support each other through both good times and bad, and are willing to make sacrifices for one another when needed. Loyalty also involves being there for each other emotionally, providing a listening ear, and offering a shoulder to cry on. Trust is another important component of a strong friendship. When friends trust each other, they are able to confide in each other, share personal information, and rely on one another for support. Trust involves being honest and transparent with one another, and avoiding actions that could damage the relationship or break the trust that has been established. Building loyalty and trust in a friendship takes time and effort. It requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to listen and understand each other's perspectives. It also involves being reliable and consistent in one's words and actions, and following through on commitments.

Overall, a strong and healthy friendship is built on a foundation of loyalty and trust, and requires ongoing effort and dedication to maintain over time. When friends are loyal and trusting of one another, they can rely on each other for support, guidance, and companionship, which can contribute to a sense of happiness and well-being.