Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin mainly stored in the liver, responsible for the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate. Vitamin D is present in two forms, which are vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D2, also known as Ergocalciferol, is mainly derived from plant sources such as mushrooms and yeasts. Meanwhile, vitamin D3, which is also known as cholecalciferol, is mainly derived from animal sources such as cod liver oil, fish, egg yolks, milk, red meat, liver, and butter. Although vitamin D can easily be found in the most common foods consumed daily, deficiency is still a common health problem. About 1 billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiency, although the number remains uncertain due to the lack of efficient worldwide reports.


Battle depression

There are a good number of individuals suffering from depression who report an improvement in their mood after being exposed to direct sunlight. This is clinically proven to be due to the fact that the skin builds vitamin D from 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) present in the skin cells. The 7-DHC is then converted to preD3 (previtamin D3), and then vitamin D3, which eventually helps battle depression.

Although there is clinical research showing that people who suffer from depression experience improvement in health conditions after the intake of vitamin D, there is no direct and concrete connection between depression and low levels of vitamin D due to mixed results from different patients. The results prove to be positive in some patients suffering from depression, while also showing negative or insignificant results in others. Therefore, more research is needed to confirm the effect of vitamin D on depression.

Weight loss

Yes, there is a relationship between vitamin D and weight loss, but which indirectly comes through changes that occur after the intake of vitamin D through direct alimentation or supplementation. Intake of vitamin D can increase levels of serotonin and testosterone, which play a very important role in boosting your metabolism, which then helps to burn more calories, reducing body fat and maintaining long-term weight loss.

There has been a good amount of research that supports the fact that a good and adequate amount of vitamin D intake can lead to weight loss. There is also a good number of doctors who stand behind the idea that although there is a relationship and correlation between vitamin D levels and weight loss, there is still a need of adequate research that supports the idea that high or adequate levels of vitamin D intake can directly increase weight loss.

Regulate blood pressure

There exists a complicated relationship between vitamin D levels and blood pressure regulation. Some studies argue that patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases experience a decrease in blood pressure after being administered with doses of vitamin D, while other studies argue the opposite. Saying that vitamin D has no positive effect on blood pressure, but instead has proven to have some negative effects in some mild cases.

Now, it’s important to note that although there is no clear relationship between intake of vitamin D and blood pressure regulation, still they are countless research studies supporting the belief that severe low levels of vitamin D might cause high blood pressure and diabetes. But yet, it’s advisable by an expert to consult a physician before the consumption of vitamin D supplements.

Maintain healthier and stronger bones

Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, which then is necessary for the strengthening of bones. Countless research studies support the fact that vitamin D decreases the risk of bone loss and the risk of fractures, especially in older adults. Also, lower levels of vitamin D in the body can lead to risk of osteoporosis and broken bones, while a shortage of vitamin D also leads to rickets and soft, weak bones. Which is a condition known as osteopathic.

Strengthen the immune system

Numerous clinical research studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in patients with autoimmune diseases. So, there is a relationship between vitamin D and the immune system. This has led to the suggestion that vitamin D could be used in the treatment of immune-mediated diseases. There are also clinical studies supporting the idea that vitamin D helps us balance our immune system during cold and flu seasons.

Better memory and concentration

There are good levels of vitamin D found in the brain tissue, which also means that people with higher amounts of vitamin D tend to have higher cognitive levels. This means that low levels of vitamin D in the brain tissues might possibly lead to brain related complications such as memory decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Although the amounts of vitamin D present in the brain might help sustain a healthy brain, there is still a need for quantitative research backing the fact that vitamin D alone can save humans from a decline in a brain function.

Healthier Skin

A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to skin acne. The higher the deficiency, the more severe the acne. This is due to the inflammation caused by the deficiency of vitamin D. Numerous research studies show an improvement within patients suffering with acne after dosages of vitamin D were administered. It also led to the prevention of skin aging.

Although there are positive results involving high levels of vitamin D and skin health, researchers claim that these results are not conclusive due to the lack of quantitative research. So, it’s advisable to check in with the doctor before going through any form of treatment.