We live in the times our soul has chosen to learn, and what a hell of a time it is! I've often heard people say, "Ah, back in the days, in old times, those were the days!" or "We are at the end of an era; nothing will be like before." Maybe this holds true for most situations, because when our personal end comes - "The End" - as in the movies, it truly signifies "the end of our era." Sometimes, we might wish to choose another time, another epoch, to live in: "Father/Mother, take this cup from me," but it's futile. As significant as the social and civilizational degeneration may seem, as astrology teaches, the soul, that greater instance in or of us, chooses this fraction of space and time to exist for reasons unknown, and we must traverse history, weaving our own narrative within it.

By the way, the birth chart acts as a mirror, reflecting these space-time coordinates that point to the esoteric axioms: "The outside mirrors the inside" and "As above, so below." In more enlightened moments of human history, there was no divide between the external world and our internal landscape: Maya, the "external illusion," was a continuous interaction with the interior realms. However, we currently inhabit a civilization of divisions, from the splitting of the atom to the narcissistic split, the rigid dichotomy between good and evil (which ironically is becoming increasingly blurred), and the multitude of divisions that sprout from these. Another insidious and pandemic divide of our era lies between nature and spirit, body and mind: the feminine and masculine within us - emotion and reason, part and whole (or the drop and the ocean). This has led to unprecedented levels of loneliness and narcissism. Women too now share in another "equality" achieved: it's estimated that 50% of narcissists are women. The Snow White fairy tale also symbolizes an Evil Queen who collectively embodies this wound, this psychic disorder resulting from childhood trauma: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?"

There's more to unravel about this tale. Here's an additional insight about the body and the mind: Our minds are linked to the collective consciousness, while our bodies carry our personal consciousness and our personal truth. Furthermore, the body serves as a map of the personal unconscious, emphasizing the crucial need to reconnect with it for healing, authentic self-awareness, and individuation. Re-establishing a connection to the body and reclaiming our instincts can be life-saving!

Snow White's tale is intricate, much like our psyche, and holds numerous layers of interpretation and information. Indeed, it's a tale that could easily fill the pages of a book. However, here and now, I aim to offer glimpses through X-ray-like insights – seeing beyond surface appearances – to aid in self-discovery and to aid in making wiser and more conscious choices about the stories we choose to engage with.

For a while now, we've been aware that Disney has polished, sanitized, and stripped away the deep wisdom present in ancient fairy tales, including Snow White. The Grimm Brothers originally published this tale in 1812, and it achieved global fame with Disney's animated movie release in 1937. Like other fairy tales, it carries profound ancestral knowledge, a characteristic that has always captivated and intrigued me. From the rites that historically accompanied the menarche phase (a girl's first menstruation) – symbolized in the tale by the blood spilling from the spindle prick – to the intricate journey of individuation depicted in symbolic, poetic language, this tale encapsulates a universe of ancient wisdom. It imparts crucial teachings from esoteric wisdom.

Esoterically, the seven dwarfs represent the seven "ancient planets," each linked to distinct levels of consciousness and corresponding metals. In alchemical traditions, gold stands for the sun, silver for the moon, Mercury for itself, Venus for copper, iron for Mars, tin for Jupiter, and lead for Saturn. All the stages of the "opus" are present: Snow White fundamentally embodies a tale of the soul's purification and the process of individuation.

Snow White also encompasses intricate psychological meanings. The same seven dwarfs, within Snow White's feminine psyche, symbolize the underdeveloped facets of her animus – her unconscious masculine counterpart. The three profound colours of the alchemical opus - representing the stages of completeness we aspire to – manifest in the protagonist's three hues: as white as snow, signifying the "work" in white, or the Albedo stage; ebony hair, representing the blackening stage, or Nigredo; and blushing with crimson cheeks, alluding to the reddening and final phase of the "work," the Rubedo, symbolizing the apotheosis of the alchemical process.

In my book "The Power of Love" (soon to be available in English), I dedicate an entire chapter to passionate psychological alchemy and the four stages of the opus. I find myself nostalgic for the countless hours – stretching into the hundreds – spent psychoanalyzing these fairy tales during my courses, retreats, and training sessions. These were moments when mysteries unfolded in shared magic that consistently achieved its purpose: transformation and elevation.

When Disney chooses to replace Snow White with a mixed-race actress in the name of "inclusivity," it evokes a mix of laughter and deep sadness – the kind that arises from witnessing an astonishing level of ignorance and biased reasoning. Those who possess the capacity to truly see, let them see.

Rachel Zegler, the actress portraying a "more beige Snow White," has openly expressed her disdain for the fairy tale itself (!) and declared that the protagonist in this remake isn't seeking love or a prince; rather, she aspires to be a strong and independent leader. A point to note: I am at ease discussing mixed races, as I, too, possess African and other ancestral origins within my body and soul. However, stating that love holds no significance whatsoever, could it be that not all forms of love matter? Love for one another, or even self-love and vocational passion? And suggesting that women must be "educated to be strong leaders" is a narrow, ignorant, and distorted viewpoint. Even her youthful inexperience doesn't excuse such a reductionist perspective. Rachel Zegler appears to be choosing power over love.

This fairy tale encapsulates the true strength and power of a woman. Snow White symbolizes the female individuation journey, replete with challenges, missteps, and arduous lessons. An established rule of fairy tale psychoanalysis asserts that all characters within the story represent facets of ourselves. Consequently, the tale's purpose is to illustrate how the feminine dimension of our being can unite – progressing from Nigredo, the dark night of the soul, to Rubedo, a phase of complete rejuvenation that essentially signifies the ancient Alchemical Wedding – with our unconscious masculine counterpart, known as the animus according to Carl Jung, or the enchanted prince. Regrettably, these actresses, ensnared by specific ideological agendas and unaware of the veiled sacredness inherent to tales and narratives, feed this nonsense into Hollywood's microphones. The union depicted in Snow White's story takes place within each of us; it's a metaphor, as all fairy tales are. When she resides in the forest, she experiences a period of regeneration, akin to our depressions or spiritual retreats – the psychic intervals that healing and growth demand. The heart, or in another version, the liver – both are organs associated with blood, symbolizing life itself. The wounded feminine (a facet present in all human psyches without distinction) – portrayed as the evil queen – seeks to drain Snow White's very life force. This mirrors instances where women or men attempt to siphon the vitality and soul from their children through manipulation, victimization, control, and excessive protection. Snow White's strength allowed her to evolve as both a human and a divine being; her soul was never lost.

Contrary to Mrs. Rachel Zegler's perspective, this tale is indeed about a strong woman who transitions from maidenhood to an older woman, undergoing the painful initiation of her devouring internal mother, symbolized by her evil stepmother. The story represents her sexual initiation, portrayed through the apple (a symbol of Venus or Aphrodite) offered by the elderly woman, which Walt Disney later turned into a malevolent witch, paralleling the Catholic Church's portrayal of elderly women during the Middle ages. Snow White, on the other hand, embodies a woman's authentic strength, mirroring her journey of crossification through life; she matures by consciously integrating her unredeemed psyche facets (the dwarfs), reconciling her shadow (feminine wounds), embracing her animus (the Prince), and harmonizing her personality and soul to become a whole woman. The ancient message embedded within this narrative appears to hold enduring significance for times to come.

Interestingly, it now appears that Disney is facing disagreements with the leading actresses in this film, to the extent that its release remains uncertain. Perhaps, in this instance, we are the ones who stand to gain. After all, not all movies are created equal.