There is an undeniable fact, we are different. As French people say: Vive la difference. Yet, the evidence is that we do not embrace differences so easily, let alone, merrily. We must fight, we must try. The fruits of this quest are precious and beneficial. There is a soft skill that comes to aid. As a matter of fact, it is a power skill that is classified as a soft skill for the future: multiculturalism. The concept is understood as the coexistence of diverse cultures in a society.

The subject that has gained relevance in recent decades. In an increasingly globalized and diverse world, it is essential to explore and understand the benefits that multiculturalism can bring to contemporary societies. I strongly believe that to strengthen multiculturism we must fight prejudice. It is not an easy path, we should focus on the benefits, if we want to succeed. I recently found and old but influential book written by Gordon W. Allport: "The Nature of Prejudice" in which, while he does not directly focus on multiculturalism, the author offers valuable ideas and concepts that can illuminate the discussion on the benefits of the coexistence of different cultures.

It is essential understand where the prejudice comes from so that we can build the path for multiculturalism which would be the antonym of discrimination. The book was published back in 1954. Allport works the topic in the field of social psychology that explores the nature of prejudice and discrimination. He argues, and I agree, that prejudice is a learned response that can be overcome through education, interaction, and mutual understanding. It is true, as it is, that the book concentrates on understanding and overcoming racial prejudices, yet its concepts and principles can be effectively applied to addressing multiculturalism.

So how do we do it? How do we nurture multiculturalism and fight prejudice? Allport states the following points:

We start by fostering tolerance and empathy

It is very relevant that we acknowledge that one of the most notable benefits of multiculturalism is the promotion of tolerance and empathy. That is step one. Allport argues that prejudice is based on ignorance and a lack of exposure to other cultures. When people from different cultures interact and coexist, they have the opportunity to learn about each other's traditions, values, and beliefs. This exposure fosters understanding and reduces the tendency toward prejudice.

Multiculturalism challenges us to overcome stereotypes and cultural prejudices by promoting interaction and empathy

Getting to know people from different backgrounds can break down cultural barriers, leading to greater tolerance and acceptance of diversity. In a diverse world, empathy and tolerance are essential skills for peaceful coexistence and cooperation.

Cultural enrichment

Another benefit of multiculturalism is cultural enrichment. When different cultures converge, there is a unique opportunity to learn and adopt valuable elements from each other. Allport argues that multiculturalism is not just about tolerating diversity but also about appreciating and celebrating it. Think about it, diverse culinary traditions, artistic expressions, music, and religious practices are just some examples of the cultural enrichment that multiculturalism can offer. Ethnic cuisine, folk music, and cultural festivals become windows to the world, allowing people to experience and enjoy the richness of different cultures. This not only enriches our lives at an individual level but also contributes to cultural diversity and vitality in communities.

Innovation and creativity

Multiculturalism also fosters innovation and creativity. When people with different perspectives and cultural backgrounds collaborate, new ideas and problem-solving approaches emerge. Allport mentions that diversity of viewpoints is essential for creativity, as different approaches can lead to more innovative solutions. In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses and organizations have recognized the benefits of having diverse teams. Multiculturalism in the workplace can drive innovation and improve decision-making, as multiple perspectives and approaches are considered. This benefits not only organizations but also contributes to progress and innovation in society at large.

Strengthening social cohesion

Multiculturalism can also strengthen social cohesion in a diverse society. Allport argues that interaction between cultural groups can contribute to the building of a sense of shared community. When people from different cultures come together in common projects, social activities, and civic efforts, a sense of belonging and unity is fostered. This strengthening of social cohesion is essential for the stability and well-being of a diverse society. It promotes solidarity and collaboration in times of crisis and contributes to the construction of more resilient and united communities.

Multiculturalism is the most useful weapon to fight prejudice. But it must be fostered and strengthen. It will not happen just by wishing for it. Moreover, multiculturalism offers a range of fundamental benefits for contemporary societies. Through exposure to different cultures, the promotion of tolerance and empathy, cultural enrichment, innovation, and the strengthening of social cohesion, multiculturalism contributes to the enrichment and vitality of our communities.

I found out that by applying the lessons from Gordon W. Allport's "The Nature of Prejudice," we can understand that multiculturalism is not only desirable but essential for a diverse and globalized world. By celebrating and valuing our cultural differences, we can move toward a more inclusive and enriching society for all. To fight hate speech, we should prefer culture over ignorance, embracing difference instead of struggling with it. Maybe, if I see the difference, I can find a better version of myself.